Monday, March 29, 2010

Taking care of business

Nesting + spring cleaning + hosting company + having a really awesome mom who enjoys helping out = lots of progress

I've been nesting for months - and our house, the basement especially, has never looked better - so it's no surprise that this is continuing as the birth approaches. And this time of year always motivates me to take on certain projects to get ready for warmer weather, like packing away winter gear. Even Mark was hit with a touch of spring cleaning fever (and maybe even nesting fever, too!) because when I returned from dropping my mom off at the airport yesterday I barely recognized the garage...Claire's wagon and the bike trailer had been taken down from the rafters, the deck furniture that had previously been stacked in a corner were gone, and I couldn't put my finger on what else was missing, but the garage was a lot more spacious than usual. The whole house, inside and out, has been going through quite the transformation these last few months. We've even done some fine-tuning because we had people coming over for my blessingway and our first home prenatal visit...instead of simply relocating piles of clutter, they've been divided and conquered and sent to the appropriate places of rest (mostly the garbage can and recycling bin.) Ahhh...order and space...

The blessingway was absolutely beautiful, and so incredibly uplifting. It was kind of a spring cleaning for my soul in a way, a much-needed boost in emotional preparation for labor. For anybody who is wondering what a blessingway is, it's a ceremony based on the Navajo tradition of providing good tidings for anybody facing another stage in life (mothers about to give birth, men/women headed for war, etc.) This modern version for mothers-to-be is similar to a baby shower, only the focus is shifted from material gifts and funny games to empowering and supporting the mother. That's not to say that gifts aren't allowed; in my case, everybody was asked to bring a bead that will be strung into a necklace for me to wear during labor. After enjoying a potluck of delicious food, we sat in a circle and everybody took turns explaining why they chose their bead for me, and then offered a blessing and some kind words. It was funny to be sitting in a room full of strong women who I respect and look up to, and to hear them saying that they admire and are inspired by me! It was so heartwarming, and I wish I'd had a chance to tell each and every one of them what I love about them, too. Every mama-to-be deserves such treatment as they approach birth!

The home prenatal visit went really well, too. My mom got to hear the baby's heartbeat with the fetoscope, something I really wanted her to experience (the look on her face brought tears to my eyes), and we showed everybody where we'll be putting the birth tub and where my stash of supplies will be. Everything on my supply list is checked off and neatly stored in one of 3 big plastic tubs. It's been so much fun gathering everything and preparing for the big day, and it feels great to be done and ready to go.

In the not-so-fun department, I've also been dealing with the aftermath of the car accident. Claire, the baby and I are doing well, considering, and I am so thankful it wasn't more serious than it was. Our chiropractor has been taking excellent care of us, and it's a good thing we really like her because we're going twice a week now. I only wish getting to and from the appointments wasn't such a hassle...I can't lift Claire into her carseat, so she crawls up into it by herself (I'm sure you can imagine how long that would take a distractable 2 year old) and now we have to plan everything around these new circumstances. Plus, I already have so much to do, it's not very convenient having to clear my schedule for this stuff. And dealing with the insurance companies has been an annoying hassle. I know the guy didn't try to rear end us, but I sure wish HE could be dealing with the phone calls and reams of paperwork for me. In addition, I don't think I'll be able to fully relax until this baby is born so I know it is ok. Yes, the baby is protected within the womb, but the kind of impact we were hit with can cause issues with the placenta that may not be detectable until after delivery. Everything appears to be ok, but there is that small chance that a small detachment is compromising his/her health and safety. I'm doing my best not to worry.

So we're taking care of business, enjoying our last weeks of being a family of 3, and getting more excited by the day. Life is good :)

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