This morning Mark commented on our pathetic-looking geraniums which have been denied water since...well, since my mom planted them a few months ago. (Sorry, mom!) They've gotten a little rain here and there, but are mostly protected from it up on the porch. Unfortunately, they are not protected from the intense afternoon do the math. I'm usually outnumbered by kids and have a million other things to do, so I took advantage of Mark's help and grabbed a watering can.
Claire followed me outside and started playing with a hose nozzle that was lying near the outdoor faucet, so I left the front door open after I was done watering. We were all still in pajamas, but she was having so much fun walking up and down the porch, pretending to water the plants. And then she started coming inside to her play kitchen, "filling up" the nozzle with water and bringing it back out to the plants. I got involved in other projects and when I peeked out to check on her a few minutes later she was digging in the dirt with one of her measuring spoons.
Funny how as parents we learn, adjust our expectations and tolerances. I appreciate neat and tidy surroundings, but when kids are having fun I've learned to just let the mess go. Instead of worrying about the piles of dirt growing on the front porch I wondered if it was toxic Miracle Gro brand potting soil or the new organic stuff Mark had picked up this spring (pretty sure it was the organic stuff.)
Soon Claire's tools also included her little ceramic teapot (which, sadly, broke when she dropped it on the concrete) and she was having full conversations with an imaginary friend, going back and forth between the planters and her play kitchen. It was so cute, I just had to snap some pictures. Oh, and notice her favorite yellow pajamas - from two different sets - and her "ballet" shoes which she insists on wearing all day, every day. She also has her favorite aqua socks on, but you can't see them in this picture.

These poor geraniums! I will try to water them more often now that I'm up and around.

While I was outside with her she also ventured out to the big planter in the front yard for some exploration. (Check out her lovely aqua socks!)

When I was done taking pictures outside I headed in to vacuum. Claire followed because she loves to pretend with her little wooden ball popper thingy. Here she is vacuuming. What a big helper! :)

She is cute and cracks me up. You should post the story about her new friend, Marge.